TinyMCE is a open-source web based JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor, which allows users to add custom HTML and CSS without having to remember any code. You can simply select the element or text and apply the relevant format using the style drop-down, font drop-down, font size available in the visual editor.
Overloading and Overriding in PHP with Examples
Overloading and Overriding are forms of Polymorphism in OOP. According to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concept if a class has methods of the same name but different parameters then we say that we are overloading that method. Also if we were to create a method in the child class having the same name, same number […]
How to Use Hooks in WordPress?
In our previous tutorial, we have published PHP Code Snippets. In this post, we have published about Hooks in WordPress. If your are in WordPress development, then you can not ignore the importance of hooks. Suppose you want to add some functionality to your WordPress project, then you will need to edit some core functionality […]
Make HTTP Requests Using Curl and Decoding JSON Responses in PHP
PHP has built-in Curl library that let’s you communicate with other servers. The Curl library is enabled by installing cUrl extension in PHP.INI. You just need to uncomment “extension=php_curl.dll” in PHP.INI file to install Curl library.
Best PHP Content Management System List
In our previous post, we have discussed free PHP eCommerce framework, in which explained about PHP eCommerce frameworks. Here in this post we will discuss about PHP Content Management Systems(CMS) so that readers who don’t have strong PHP knowledge can easily create their website using free and open source CMS. Content Management System, or CMS is […]