Watermark is a label that is used on images to display ownership to protect images from being stolen. If you’re developing image gallery application using PHP and wants to add watermark to images when uploaded, then its very easy. You can easily add watermark to images using PHP. In this tutorial, you will learn how […]
Drag and Drop File Upload using jQuery and PHP
File upload is a common functionality that’s needed to implement in most of web projects. Mostly we need to implement file uploading functionality by browsing file directory through click. But sometimes it is required to also handle file upload by drag and drop. So if you’re looking for tutorial to implement drag and drop multiple […]
Multi Select Dropdown with Checkbox using Bootstrap, jQuery and PHP
In many web applications, we need to implement dropdown list with checkboxes to enable users to select multiple options at the same time. So in this tutorial, you will learn how to implement multi select dropdown with checkbox using Bootstrap. In this tutorial, we will use bootstrap-multiselect.js jQuery Bootstrap plugin to create checkboxes with dropdown […]
Best CodeIgniter Tutorials for Beginners
CodeIgniter is a popular open source PHP framework based on MVC (Model–View–Controller) pattern. It is very lightweight and speed up development by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks to develop small to large scale of applications. The CodeIgniter framework is very easy to learn to start with it. So in this […]
How to Send Email with Attachment in PHP
In many PHP projects, we generally implement email send functionality such as user email verification, to reset password, contact us page etc. It is just few lines of code to send these type of email. But sometimes we have to implement email send functionality to send email with attachment in PHP. We can implement email […]