SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) data is the web pages that are served to users when they search for anything using search engine, such as Google, Bing etc. The users generally enters their search keywords and search engine displays search results web pages. If a user wants thousands of search results based on specific terms […]
Create Dynamic Pricing Page with Bootstrap 4, PHP & MySQL
Product pricing page is an important part of any website to display product details with price to allow user to buy product. Mostly hard coded pricing page was designed but its very time consuming non technical person to edit file every time when needs to update product price details. So keeping this in mind, we […]
Web Scraping with Real-Time ScrapeStack REST API using PHP
Web scraping (also known as data extraction or data mining) allows to scrape data from web pages. The web scraping can be done manually, but usually refers to automated processes by bots or crawlers. The REST API interfaces are created to scrape website data. So if you’re looking for solution to scrape web pages using […]
Export Data to CSV with Date Filter using PHP & MySQL
CSV (comma separated value) is well known file format to store tabular data. In our previous tutorial, we have published tutorial to Export Data to CSV with PHP and MySQL and get huge response from our readers. Many of them requested for tutorial to export data to CSV with date range filter. So in this […]
Convert Associative Array into XML in PHP
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a common markup language which is used in web applications to read and write dynamic data. When we have issue with database size to store dynamic data then XML file format is the best to store dynamic data and retrieve according to needs. So if you’re thinking about storing your […]