TinyMCE is a open-source web based JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor, which allows users to add custom HTML and CSS without having to remember any code. You can simply select the element or text and apply the relevant format using the style drop-down, font drop-down, font size available in the visual editor.
Here you will find useful jQuery tips, tutorials and plugins.
Show Popup Message Few Seconds Using jQuery
We often need to display popup with message that’s need to disappear after certain amount of seconds. Once I was creating this and it took me some time to find a good tutorial to create it. So to make things easy for you, here in this tutrial, I have created a simple tutorial to create […]
Image Upload without Page Refresh with PHP and jQuery with Demo
Are you looking for image upload functionality with preview and also without refreshing page using jQuery and PHP? Yes, you’re here at the right place. Here is a very simple code used to upload image file without page refresh using PHP and jQuery.