Website visitors’s IP data is an important part for any website to add user experience. The user’s easily targeted with relevant information such as for advertising, load maps with near by search queries, can display content for their region, display website content in correct language etc. So if you’re running a website or thinking to […]
Weather Data with Weatherstack API using PHP
Weather is the state of atmosphere to describe the degree to which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. We always curious to know about the weather around us and try to check weather conditions on websites that’s provide weather related information. So if you’re thinking about to […]
Website Visitors IP Lookup with IPStack API using PHP
Knowing about your website visitors or customers is always a challenging task. If you don’t have your customers details, then you can not target them properly. Due to this, the websites owners or companies are always looking for their customers details to make long term relations with them to take their business to the new […]
Scrape SERP Data with SerpStack API using PHP
SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) data is the web pages that are served to users when they search for anything using search engine, such as Google, Bing etc. The users generally enters their search keywords and search engine displays search results web pages. If a user wants thousands of search results based on specific terms […]
Web Scraping with Real-Time ScrapeStack REST API using PHP
Web scraping (also known as data extraction or data mining) allows to scrape data from web pages. The web scraping can be done manually, but usually refers to automated processes by bots or crawlers. The REST API interfaces are created to scrape website data. So if you’re looking for solution to scrape web pages using […]